Welcome to CorePepe.
Okay okay you got to be able see the future.
Right now the OG is 7.1Billion and the market has not even warmed up yet, last bull run doge and shiba got to 70Billon this bull run is going to be 5x bigger at least so price in that.
Price in OG Pepe at 50Bn minimum.
Then price in Core Top 10
Then add up the Dots when people realise there’s an Orange Pepe on Core
And they think well even if we did 10 percent of the Real OG that would price us in at 5Billion.
‘Now think of how much money you’d make if we went to 5BN
25,000x from here 10 dollars=250,000
You think it’s impossible devs seen bull runs he knows what’s possible.
You got to believe in something or it can’t happen I believe.
Only takes a few to believe,
Even if we fail and only hit 420M still life changing won’t settle for any less.
Temporary prices doesn’t bother me like it does the community.
Our token could go down to 1k and I’d keep building keep going,
You got to fight for what you want put it the hard work in the hard times.
Right now every alarm in my head is hitting.
Like it’s programmed
In the last week alone we have had
Trump come out pro crypto Sec approving eth ETFs Coinbase announcing they will list @Coredao_Org
If you don’t think these are signs from God or who ever you believe in you need to look in the mirror. This is our chance at freedom! Stop looking 1 hour into the future think
Our time is coming.
We are hard workers We are legit We have good intentions We have morals We believe in good karma We will do this
Last chance
“If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry”
Satoshi Nakamoto
Last updated